"Delahunt's warm voice, gravelly around the edges and big and open as the prairie, manages to exude the comfort of an Irish peat fire and the homespun qualities of mid-America"
-Sing Out!
Magazine . GIG GUIDE? go to DATES page.
hunt is over!
You've found me - Eddie Delahunt, bon vivant, scientist, big game
hunter, runway model...No, not really. But you can call me a musician,
singer and songwriter. You can call me Irish. You can especially call
me if you've got a gig that pays big buckaroos!
Really, thanks for checking in on my virtual telephone here.
There's all kinds of information behind this fine lookin' (and only slightly doctored) photograph.
- My bio (most of it's true!)
- Information about my new CD (it's quite good - trust me!)
- Information about my old CDs (they're not bad, either)
- Dates and places where I'll be playin' (there's generally beer there)
Go on...click away!